Description of Service
Based on customer needs, VAC provides instrumental and sensory training that ranges from subject overview to detailed hands on opportunities.
Details of Service
Our semi-annual GCMS/O class offers in depth lectures on the combination of sensory and GCMS utilized in successful GCMS/O analysis. We also offer hands-on training that utilizes a client’s product of interest.
Applicable Industries
Applications of Service
VAC has expert trainers that provide training classes that are pre-designed, custom training classes for execution on our premises, and custom training classes in your facilities. When the word training is used in our company it can imply two different things. Training as is traditionally understood is offered in class areas such as GC-MS, GC-MS/O, GC-MS-MS and problem solving for odor issues. Additionally at VAC we deal with training in terms of training panelists on various odors for recording odor perception.
GC-MS Training
We provide hands on training for GC-MS analysis. The standard course is two days but more in-depth training is available and can be tailored to your needs. The course curriculum requires knowledge GC-MS and basic terminology. Special courses are created periodically for unique applications using real world experiences. Check our EVENTS section of the website or sign up for our newsletter.
GC-MS/O Training
When working with experts in odor, GC-MS/O will become part of the discussion. The utilization of GC-MS/O in varying parts of your business can become a tremendous asset for any internal analytical group. VAC can support you in these efforts or train you to execute this technique, guide you on equipment selection to support your goals based upon our experience in this highly specialized field.
Sensory Panel Training
In building a sensory program sensory panel training is a must. By ensuring you have trained panelists that are able to perceive important changes in an aroma profile or be able to clearly articulate differences between products you can be more successful in customer satisfaction. Click HERE to learn more.
GC-MS-MS (Triple Quad) Training
VAC provides hands on training for GC-MS_MS analysis. The standard course is three days but more in-depth training is available and can be tailored to your needs. Our training is different than that provided by the instrumentation firms. They bring good value for the purpose of helping you understand how to leverage the equipment. Volatile helps you understand how to select the right techniques for the right problems.