Odor Claim Support
How does this service work?
By understanding the legal process and providing litigation services, VAC knows the scientific rigor needed to defend claims. We understand the science that supports many claims. Odor chemistry is our primary business and we know how to develop the right experiments to provide the scientific support to accomplish your claim goals. We understand how a claim in advertising might be perceived by consumers and can provide perspective to your legal team for their consideration. In order to support a claim, experimental results must be accurate and reproducible. Because we employ state of the art instrumental methods and accepted sensory analysis protocol, we can apply the necessary scientific rigor to test claims. Additionally, our scientists publish in peer reviewed journals and present at national and international scientific meetings. We have the business expertise integrated with the scientific acumen to support establishment or defense of your odor claims. Keep in mind, if you are in the midst of litigation and you did not position yourself on your claims to be in a strong position, part of our value to your team is to help you understand your weak areas and evaluate how to best strengthen your position.
What is the Application of this service?
VAC has top odor scientists on staff. We have mitigated many off-odor issues for companies around the globe. Our business has been built on understanding odor and aroma and the chemistry behind it. If you want to be in the best position with your odor/aroma claims VAC’s team needs to be on your side from the design to the defense of your claims.
Top Industries for Odor Claim Support
Why do you need this service?
When releasing a product that makes an odor related claim, VAC understands the science behind it. Whether it be amelioration, masking, reduction, or enhancement, terminology is important. Amelioration is not reduction. Reduction is not masking. What constitutes a stronger bouquet of fragrance? VAC can put together sensory and analytical and microbiology experiments that can beef up your science for your claims or demonstrate you are in a position that may take you down a path you do not want to go. When VAC sees you are weak in your position we understand the delicate nature of that conversation and can properly advise you in the midst of information that needs to be conveyed. Our reviews and studies do not put you in a box and we can help you understand on the front-end what the implications in executing the investigations recommended.