Aroma Profile Support
How does this service work?
While many chemists are very skilled in evaluating chemical structure, executing sample prep processes, few are familiar with the aroma of various classes of chemicals. The aroma associated with chemicals present in your products should be understood. Many chemicals smell quite differently when present at varying concentration. When combined with other chemicals in your product matrix, a chemical you desire to yield an impact on flavor may be completely masked while another chemical may react with your additive and create an unwanted off-odor.
Some of the tools utilized in the development of aroma profiles include analysis by sensory panel, and by chemical identification and quantification of aroma active substances through use of a technique called GCMS/O. This method (GCMS/O also discussed in services) involves separating chemicals in the GC and recording retention times of individual aromas, their odor intensity, and their character (description e.g. fruity, floral, musty, etc.). This aroma character and intensity and retention time is directly aligned with GC mass spectrometric data to permit positive chemical identification.
Aroma profiles are tremendously helpful for customers whose products exhibit important aromas that must be maintained in a reproducible manner.
What is the Application of this service?
Aroma profiles can be used as baselines if a sensory issue is perceived. They are useful in product development and for understanding the overall competitiveness of your product in the area of consumer preferences.
Top Industries for Aroma Profile Support
Why do you need this service?
Aroma profiling is extremely valuable in helping you understand your own product. By creating aroma profiles for your products as part of research and development, you establish standards related to odor and aroma that can be utilized throughout the life cycle of your product. When an off odor issue is demonstrated you can quickly evaluate the off odor against the acceptable parameters established for odor. This makes mitigation of a customer complaint much less costly and may even protect unwarranted reputation risk.