Sensory Panel Development and Support
How does this service work?
Sensory Panel Development and support has become more and more prevalent in companies throughout the world due to publicized recalls related to off-odor problems. Additionally as the science of sensory becomes better understood, organizations have started utilizing sensory panels, both internal and external, to help understand consumer preferences, identify odor thresholds in their specific product offerings, and even varying sensory perception based upon various cultures. VAC offers unique capabilities in sensory and analytical. In support of our off-odor work we routinely convene sensory panels. The most frequently used include quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA) where a descriptive panel is trained for measuring product attributes. VAC is uniquely equipped in this area, because we have the organoleptic sensory capabilities that we can then align with quantification of specific levels of the exact chemicals, in various matrixes utilizing sophisticated instrumentation and analysis. By bringing both of these tools to bear on the development of a sensory panel, all of the bases are covered. The sensory panel work can then be directly connected to on-going quality programs as well as baselines of acceptable product ranges for odor and aroma.
What is the Application of this service?
A trained internal sensory panel whose purpose is to routinely evaluate products for sensory attributes can be of great value for quality assessment and new product development. Many times off-odors can be created in production, or when using new ingredients or a new supplier. Off odors detection may be a challenging sensory project. VAC is fully equipped to design and execute the project.
Top Industries for Sensory Panel Development and Support
Why do you need this service?
Sensory panels help in R&D (new product development), manufacturing, distribution, risk mitigation, and even marketing facets of your business. Sensory panels can help a company understand strategic positioning of a product that would be perceived as repulsive in one environment and acceptable in another. Sensory panels can help R&D determine how different configurations of a new product change in aroma character. From simple sensory panel development to very elaborate integrated panel assessments tying back to analytical chemistry problems, VAC brings the skills to design, train, and implement sensory solutions for all your needs.