Odor Strategy Development
How does this service work?
A corporate odor strategy should focus on two primary areas: odors that impact your facility and odors that impact your products. A common source of odors in the facility are microorganisms and they may live in high moisture environments, contaminated machine oil and metal working fluids, and contaminated equipment. These type odors impact employees and potentially your neighbors. Odors in products can be caused by a change in suppliers, new ingredients, chemical reactions, production issues, conditions in the distribution channel and many others. Some or all of these potential sources of odor may be addressed in the odor strategy developed.
What is the Application of this service?
An odor strategy should include the development of aroma & chemical baselines for products and/or raw materials. Determination of sensory panel needs, both internal and external, are reviewed as part of this service. Alignments between sensory and analytical sciences are considered and addressed. Establishing needed protocols for on-going monitoring of both facilities and products, as well as time tables for review of those protocols are included.
Featured Industries for Odor Strategy Development
Why do you need this service?
Developing an odor strategy should be a part of overall quality management. By having an odor strategy in place your company is positioned at a place ahead of your competition. Your company is ready to quickly respond to changes that result in off-odor problems and complaints.